Batch Upload - HFpEF Phenogroups

Process multiple patient records simultaneously

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Instructions & Requirements

Successful calculation of the phenogroups requires uploading a CSV file with the correct column information. Please ensure your file meets the following requirements:

  • The file must be in CSV format
  • Include a header row
  • Contain only numeric values in data cells
  • Have all required columns in the correct order
  • No missing data
Warning: Switching columns, including missing data, not including a header, or including non-numeric values will cause the program to crash.

You can download a sample CSV file with the correct format here.

Required Column Format
# Parameter Units/Format
1 Glucose per 10-units of mg/dL
2 Total bilirubin mg/dL
3 Insulin dependent diabetes 1=yes, 0=no
4 Non-insulin dependent diabetes 1=yes, 0=no
5 QRS duration per 10-units of ms
6 E/a ratio ratio value
7 Statin use 1=yes, 0=no
8 BMI kg/m²
9 Sodium per 10-units of mmol/L
10 Ejection fraction %
Upload Your CSV File

Drag & Drop your CSV file here

or browse to select a file